Sunday, December 13, 2009

Why you must go to KDU Open Day?

Poster of KDU Open day

Front view of KDU College.

Why you guys must go to KDU Open day? simple. It is because:
  1. You will get a goodies bag with a lot of thing from KDU college! A ball pen, a pencil, a handbook for student, and a mineral water created by KDU College! also, u guys will get a RM 300 gift voucher from the college! wow!

  2. You can find out what program that KDU offering you. And there is a few Counselor that can help you if you guys want to ask something about it. Nice huh?

  3. After you already analyze about the program in KDU, you can spot-check all the facilities in KDU. There is always a tour-guide who will help you traveling around

  4. Being tired all day after going around the college? No worries. There is always a landscape and nice view that will relaxing your body all day.

  5. Final reason why you guys must go to KDU open day. It is because you can hands-on yourself with the professional lecturers about the related subject you want to take later. cool huh?
The Lecturer

Try it all by yourself!

So, What are you waiting for?

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